West Campus ADA Accessible

  • Permit Year - 2024-2025
  • Annual Cost - See Standard Permit
  • Monthly Cost - See Standard Permit


Employees holding faculty, administrative, professional or staff/classified civil services appointments, graduate students and commuting undergraduate students who have a permanent disability qualify for an ADA accessible permit.

Please visit our customer care office to submit your state-issued disability placard which is required to register for a CampusParc ADA permit. 

Permit Perks

  • Competitive Pricing: The ADA Accessible West Campus permit is available at the same price as an WA (for Faculty/A&P employees), WB (for CCS Staff), WCO (for Rank 1 Students living on campus) and WC (for all other students). 
  • Paratransit Service through OSU: Visit OSU's Transportation and Traffic Management website for details.
  • Enhanced Access: Get the most comprehensive access on west campus including off-peak access to garages. 

Parking Access

Paid Hourly With Payment
Accessible No Access
State Vehicle No Access
Reserved Spaces No Access

Peak: 5 a.m. - 4 p.m. Weekdays
Off-Peak: 4 p.m. - 3 a.m. Weekdays, All Day Weekends
Overnight: 3 a.m. - 5 a.m.

Permit-specific surface lot access information is available here.

During campus-wide events like football games or concerts, an annual access keycard grants free access to all public day-of-event surface lots and garages.

  • Present your annual access keycard for no-cost entry into surface lots being sold at an event rate, regardless of final destination.
  • If your permit normally provides access to the garage that is being sold at an event rate, you may use your annual access keycard to enter the garage at no cost.
  • Keep your annual access keycard available year-round: If you do not have your annual access keycard, you will be required to pay the nonrefundable event parking rate to enter the facility.

Reminders for Permit Holders

We use license plate recognition technology to ensure that parked vehicles have valid permits and are parked in the appropriate areas. It's important to keep your vehicle license plate information current at all times. 

  • Multiple vehicles may be linked to a permit, but only one vehicle may be parked on campus at a time.
  • Paid hourly parking or a valid visitor permit is required for an additional linked vehicle to be parked on campus simultaneously.
  • Permit holders are responsible for ensuring license plate information is correct. Failure to do so may result in citations.

If you need to leave your car parked on campus for an extended period of time, contact us to get prior authorization.

Vehicles parked in one area for more than 72 consecutive hours without prior authorization will be cited as abandoned and relocated at the owner’s expense. 

Customers with permits that include garage access are provided an annual access keycard (annual permit holders) or a garage access keycard (monthly permit holders).

  • Garage gates are activated by scanning the QR code (located on the back of the keycard) on the readers located at garage entrances and exits.
  • Keycards may be used to exit only if the last use was for entry, and vice versa. If a ticket is pulled to enter a garage, payment must be made at exit.

These garages are reserved for visitors 5 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday-Friday. Permit holders exiting these garages after 8 a.m. on these days are subject to additional fees.

  • 12th Avenue (Wexner Medical Center)
  • Ohio Union South (South Campus)
  • Wexner Medical Center

These garages are reserved for visitors at all times: