Annual power washing to impact garages

Mar 18, 2025

CampusParc is scheduled to begin its annual power washing of the parking decks, stairwells and common areas of campus garages on Monday, March 31. This deep cleaning includes the pretreating of all oil spots with a degreasing agent, followed by a high-pressure rinse at 4,000 psi. All water is recovered and disposed of in accordance with Ohio EPA guidelines. 

Each garage will have rolling deck closures and will remain open, whereas select floors will close for cleaning. Cleaning begins at 7 p.m., and the subsequent floor(s) will close upon completion. This process will continue until the cleaning of all the floors is complete. 

After the closure, vehicles remaining on the closed-off floors are subject to relocation at the owner's expense. CampusParc will attempt to contact the vehicle's owner prior to relocation.   

The size of the garage and the number of spaces dictate the number of days needed to complete the power washing. This work, part of CampusParc's ongoing maintenance program, will continue through September. 

A tentative schedule for each garage, as well as the type of impact, is as follows: 



Alternative Parking Options 


James Outpatient Care Garage 

March 31, April 2 

Carmack Lots 


Wexner Medical Center Garage  

April 7 – April 10 

April 14 – April 17 

Ohio Union North Garage 


9th Avenue East Garage 

April 21 – April 24 



Old Cannon Garage 

April 27 – May 1 

9th Avenue West Garage 


Neil Avenue Garage 

May 5 – May 10 

Tuttle Garage 

12th Avenue Garage 



May 15 – May 18 

9th Avenue East Garage 


12th Avenue Garage 

May 29 – May 31 

9th Avenue East Garage 

9th Avenue West Garage 


Arps Garage 

June 3 – June 5 

June 7 – June 8 



Ohio Union South Garage 

June 16 – June 19 



Tuttle Garage 

July 6 – July 10 



Northwest Garage 

July 14 – July 16 



Lane Avenue Garage 

July 28 – July 31 

August 2 – August 3 

West Lane Avenue Garage 

St. John Arena Lot 


11th Avenue Garage 

August 5 – August 7 



Ohio Union North Garage 

August 11 – August 21 



Gateway Garage  

August 18 – August 21 



9th Avenue West Garage 




Please note: Dates are subject to change. 

We apologize for any inconvenience these projects may cause in advance and appreciate your understanding as we work to improve the condition of Ohio State’s parking assets. Please note that additional reminders will be distributed to permit holders as project work progresses. 

For real-time parking location occupancy, check the SpaceTracker on the CampusParc home page. Follow us on Instagram, X, Facebook, and TikTok to stay up to date on all things parking at Ohio State.  

Parking-related questions or concerns? Contact CampusParc Customer Care at 614-688-0000 or We want to help!