Please plan ahead for a full closure of Neil Avenue Garage beginning Friday, Aug. 12, as part of ongoing renovations to update the garage’s membrane. Entrances will close at 4 p.m. and vehicles remaining parked in the garage must exit by 7 p.m.
The garage is scheduled to reopen at 5 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 16.
Alternative parking will be available in the Old Cannon, 12th Avenue (during off-peak hours only), 9th Avenue East, and 9th Avenue West garages.
This closure will allow the new membrane, which is a seal coat, to fully cure. This requires a minimum of 48-72 hours of cure time before vehicles can drive on it.
Upon reopening, 320 spaces will remain closed as part of ongoing rolling space closures. After tentatively Friday, Aug. 19, the number of spaces closed will be reduced to approximately 160.
The project is tentatively scheduled for completion Friday, Aug. 31.